Research assistants in the 3D lab work on two projects: the Road to Reentry Study and the Young Adult Court. Road to Reentry is a UC Irvine study evaluating a new transitional-aged youth (TAY) Program at Theo Lacy Facility. This new program is designed for young men ages 18-25 who are interested in reentry services tailored to their age group. The goals of the program are to promote emotional well-being, prevent future criminal behavior, and to give youth tools to be successful when released. Eligible youth are randomly assigned to this new housing module (“TAY Mod”) and the accompanying TAY program or to the general population. UC Irvine interviews participants while they are in jail and for a few years after being released to examine the long-term outcomes of the program.
The Young Adult Court (YAC) of Orange County was founded in response to the misalignment between developmental research and the application of criminal justice policies for transitional-aged youths. The YAC is a collaboration between the Defense Attorney, the District Attorney, Probation Officers, the Judge, the Orangewood Foundation and University of California, Irvine. Dr. Elizabeth Cauffman and her research team are evaluating the efficacy of the YAC in reducing recidivism and promoting prosocial outcomes.
For both studies, research assistants are primarily responsible for tracking youth between interviews, scheduling interviews with youth, and interviewing youth face-to-face in the community or in facilities. Additional responsibilities vary based on need, but may include data entry, literature searches and reviews, and file management tasks.
Research assistants in the 3D lab gain valuable research experience, mentorship opportunities, and may earn course credit as well.
Hiring Process
Each quarter, the Development, Disorder, and Delinquency Lab evaluates a need for Research Assistants. New RAs are typically selected at least once a year, at the beginning of the quarter. We maintain a waiting list for applicants interested in future work in the lab when we are not actively recruiting RAs.
Selection Criteria
Research assistants in the 3D lab must have
- Dedication, motivation, and an interest in psychology, criminal law, and research
- A GPA of 3.0 or higher
- A car and car insurance
- A 10 hours per week commitment to lab
- The ability to spend 12 full, consecutive months (including summer months) in lab
- The ability to attend mandatory weekly meetings, Monday from 1-2pm
How to Apply
Interested in applying? Complete an application.
If you have any questions, you may reach out to the 3D Lab Manager, Dannah Elhaj, at